A Life Changing Event Made Me Realize I Should Retire Early, & Change My Life

Shane Lifeman
5 min readApr 25, 2023

Not everyone is given the chance to grow old, so you should appreciate every single day of your life. It took me exactly 49 years of life to the day to realize this statement and then another 2 more years to start living it

Photo by FORMAT arw on Unsplash

If you have read any of my previous articles. Then you will know that on May 1st, 2018, when I woke up that morning, was the morning I decided that the style of life I was living was no longer for me. It was also the day I took control and eventually won my life back. I knew deep inside of me that working another 15 additional years at a job that I barely tolerated was no longer for me. I was the type of person who chose jobs for one reason, and one reason only, the amount of the paycheque. Looking back on my career and the companies I worked for. It’s sad for me to admit this now, but at best, I tolerated everything just for a nice paycheque which was the only satisfaction I received, was the amount of the paycheque. It was also the morning when the fog in my head cleared from the events from two years prior.

The same day I turned 49 was also the same day my wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer. We were given a timeline and informed that she only had, at best, months to live.



Shane Lifeman

Join me on the journey of life. I will be writing about life experiences and life in general, careers, relationships, business money management and making money